After Conan O’Brien retired from late-night television in mid-2021, the comedy TV world went into crisis leaving only a few profoundly unpopular comedians running what was increasingly seen as an obsolete form factor for a show. When O’Brien announced he was looking to create new shows that better fit modern audiences, skepticism ran rampant. However O’Brien’s latest show, “Conan O’Brien Must Go” has quelled any fears serving as a fantastic breath of fresh air from regular comedy shows.
“Conan O’Brien Must Go” sees O’Brien travel the world and run his improv comedy on real people in real places. Gone are the bulky scripts and forced laughs, replaced by the genuine horror of the crowds that mass after one of O’Brien’s stunts. In episode two upon learning that Argentinians kiss everyone in a room before leaving, O’Brien who is in a Buenos Aires square, kisses dozens of people in an awkward testament to his fantastic comedic abilities. Contributing to the hilarity is the crowd that forms in the background and the discomfort in the faces of the people in the square.
But O’Brien’s stunts reflect more than a desire to run pranks; They show his willingness to understand other cultures, making the show a perfect travel series. Conan learns about Argentine grilling or Norwegian relationship norms, and talks to real fans from all walks of life on the way. The result is a show far more serious than most comedy TV, bringing a genuine breath of fresh air to the genre.
“Conan O’Brien Must Go” also plays on some of O’Brien’s running gags, meaning veteran O’Brien viewers will not be left without familiarity. The beloved Jordan Schlansky returns to drive O’Brien crazy, O’Brien’s schtick of being an evil boss who wants to murder his interns makes a comeback and O’Brien’s love for dressing like stereotypical locals is as strong as ever. All of this contributes to a show accessible to all viewers whether they are new or old, doubled by the fact that the show is similar in format to O’Brien’s much beloved “Conan Without Borders” series of TV specials.
The cinematography, much like O’Brien’s other shows, is great. Wide shots beautifully capture the towns and landscapes he visits, while close-ups of Conan making people uncomfortable, such as licking their faces, make the viewer gain second-hand embarrassment. The show even utilizes its drone shots as a running gag, with O’Brien breaking the fourth wall and constantly discussing the system.
“I like comedy with expressions and making fun of people,” WCHS junior Matthew Gualino said. “Even though I don’t like it when people get harassed for content since people give consent to Conan’s behavior, I think I would be okay with watching his comedy.”
Overall, “Conan O’Brien Must Go” is a phenomenal show that brings an incredible comeback to a beloved comedian. The show has no noticeable faults, with every aspect, from characters to cinematography being perfect. Conan’s first season was an incredible success and viewers worldwide should hope that HBO carries the series on long into the future.