Student Art Spotlight: Bridgette Warner


Senior Bridgette Warner poses with her next masterpiece.

By Dani Miller, Opinions Editor

Homecoming season is often regarded as the best time of the year, due to the dance, the exhilarating lunch games and perhaps most importantly to some students at CHS, the astonishing floats and murals that each grade displays every year. For senior Bridgette Warner, one of the artists behind the winning Class of 2018 mural for the past two years, her art is therapy for the soul.

Although she is primarily known at CHS for her murals, Warner experiments with multiple mediums to create her masterpieces.

“I try to experiment with different mediums of art but my favorite is oil paint,” Warner said. “Oil paint dries slower and brushes smoother onto the canvas.”

Warner has always had a passion for art, but it wasn’t fully realized until she came to CHS. She was inspired by former Studio Art teacher Jacquelyn Washam.

“Mrs.Washam taught me that anyone can become a great artist, it just takes practice,” Warner said. “Natural talent isn’t necessary.”

Every artist has a unique quality that sets their work apart and allows them to be successful. According to Class of 2018 SGA Sponsor Evan Rosenthal, Warner’s special quality is her artistic eye.

“The great thing about [Bridgette] when it comes to art is she has a vision,” Rosenthal said. “There were times when we were putting up the mural and I turned to Bridgette and said ‘how do you want this?’ and she automatically had a vision of how she wanted the mural to look.”

Warner’s incredible determination and unique style has not only been recognized by her peers and teachers, but by Johns Hopkins, where her art is displayed in their art gallery. However, Warner does not create solely for the recognition.

“My art has been recognized and hung up in galleries, but I don’t want to get caught up in doing it for awards,” Warner said.

Despite her impressive art career thus far, Warner’s journey to becoming a great artist has not always been smooth.

“Many artists have had to tackle feelings of inferiority,” Warner said. “I learned that comparing yourself to other artists is impractical because the diversity of style is what makes the art community incredible. Now, I have an easier time tackling the canvas when I am not focused on what others are doing.”

With Warner’s skills, it would be a shame for her not to collaborate with other aspiring artists. As one of the key components of the Class of 2018 mural, Warner worked with other student artists to make the best mural possible.

“Over the years, the homecoming mural allowed me to work with other artists on a different level [and since] the project was more collaborative than what I was used to, so it really pushed me out of my comfort zone,” Warner said.“I’ve done it for so many years because I [get to] work with diligent peers like Yoonju Lee or Sasha Sidhu.Every member of Executive Board works so hard to spread school spirit.”

Warner would not be the first person to admit that it takes an entire community to create the awe inspiring murals that the Class of 2018 constructs every year, but her specific vision and leadership is adds direction and focus to the murals.

According to senior class president Hana Mangat, Warner is the mastermind behind the class of 2018’s “breathtaking” murals each year.

“She does a great job of coordinating with other artists to make sure that multiple perspectives are included in the artwork,” Mangat said. “She also finds ways for less artistic people to help.”

Warner is a one of a kind artist, but she has drawn inspiration from others.

“Many past and current artists inspire me, including Egon Schiele, Roberto Ferri and James Jean,” Warner said. “Above all, (Senior) Julia Chein, one of my best friends, continues to inspire me every day. Her spirit and conviction for the arts encourages me to keep creating.”

According to Warner, there is nothing more important in her art than her freedom to express herself and the community it brings.

“The best part about being an artist is having the freedom to create your own projects and express something meaningful to you,” Warner said. “Art joins people together. I would never had met some of my closest friends if I had never joined the art community.”