CHS’s Sexuality and Gender Association Club welcomes all with open arms

Eugenia Cardinale

By Emiliana Cardinale, Production editor

The Sexuality and Gender Association (SAGA) Club works to help members of the LGBT community at CHS in many ways.

One of the club’s main focuses is educating students about the LGBT community.

“During most meetings we have a topic in mind going into it, something to talk about, educate people about, and at the end of the ‘lesson’ we take questions,” club president sophomore Autumn Cook said. “Our main goal is educating people on things pertaining to gender and sexuality that aren’t taught in the regular curriculum in detail or at all.”

According to Cook, anyone is welcome to join and participate, the only requirement being that members must be respectful of one another.

“We are a safe space for everyone except people who want to hurt or offend people in the club,” Cook said. “We are happy to teach whoever wants to learn. Most everything that is said in the club stays in the club. We are here for people. Pretty much no question is off limits, unless it is intentionally a jab at someone.”
SAGA meets most Wednesdays at lunch in room 213. Students can also contact the club’s official email [email protected] with questions.

“We accept everyone, and everyone should stop by,” Cook said. “Even if you are not LGBTQ+ or such, stop by.”

LGBT issues aren’t always the most talked about in the spotlight, which may be a reason this club is valuable at a school like CHS.

“Learning about LGBTQ+ people is important, and is generally not covered in public school, we hope to supplement that,” Cook said. “This club is necessary to have at Churchill because there needs to be a safe place where people to come to and discuss/gather information about this field.”

The club is also a place for students to feel accepted and come together as a community.

“It’s brought a lot of people that are in the LGBT community in this school together,” said junior Dean Atanasoff, who is a member of SAGA. “They can share their experiences and they can understand what others are going through.”