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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

WCHS will begin to administer online hall passes during fourth quarter. This is what teachers will see when a student requests a pass from them.

Online passes put an end to bathroom breaks

By George Chang, Hates Cheese June 6, 2023

Survey the hallways at any given moment—between classes, during classes—and the sight will stay the same: crowds of students, furiously typing away on their phones or chatting up a storm with their...

May I go to the bathroom without the third degree?

By Spencer Levy, Public Relations October 26, 2011

 I am pissed off. I have been asked the question "Is it an emergency?" one too many times, and to be honest, I am sick of it. If I have to go to the bathroom, I have to go to the bathroom. I am not even...

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