Tonight Dough discusses loving each moment at WCHS

The Ben & Jerry's ice cream container features Jimmy Kimmel. The ice cream is made of caramel and chocolate ice creams with chocolate cookie swirls, and chunks of chocolate chip cookie dough and peanut butter cookie dough.

Photo courtesy of Price Chopper

The Ben & Jerry’s ice cream container features Jimmy Kimmel. The ice cream is made of caramel and chocolate ice creams with chocolate cookie swirls, and chunks of chocolate chip cookie dough and peanut butter cookie dough.

By Caitlin Murphy, The Tonight Dough

Much like every other article I have written for The Observer over the past three years, I am writing this one, in typical Caitlin fashion, the night before it is due. I think the reason I procrastinate my articles is because I want them to be perfect, so I wait until the last possible minute to attempt to write what will never truly be “the perfect article.” While I waited to write my final article in part because of this, I think I really waited because I didn’t want this — writing for the paper — to be over. 

This is the fourth “senior thing” I have written. What started with my Senior Night speech for soccer is now ending with my senior reflection article for the J. You would think it would get easier each time to translate your thoughts into writing, but it doesn’t. Every time I go to write a speech or reflection, I know no matter what I say, I will never truly capture what it means to be a senior and experience your “lasts.” Your last first day of school, soccer game, Homecoming, Glow, Blast performance, test, AP Exam, class and more will come and go before you know it, leaving you with this feeling of sadness that comes with change and moving forward. 

Before I get ahead of myself, let me talk about my first. More specifically, my first day of journalism. Despite the fact that I wanted to sign up for journalism when choosing my classes during the spring of eighth grade, I let my logic get the better of me and instead, I chose to take AP Computer Science Principles to knock out my technology requirement early on. While I don’t exactly regret this decision, a part of me wishes I would’ve been a part of this amazing community since the beginning. As a result of this decision, my first journalism class took place over Zoom during a global pandemic. Despite not being able to interact with classmates as I now do, I loved learning how to write articles and think like a journalist.

When we went back to in-person learning, I began to love The Observer even more because of the friends I made and the community I formed, so much so that I even convinced one of my best friends to take journalism to be with me for senior year. 

Even though grammar has always been my strong suit, when it came time to apply for positions for my senior year, I didn’t put Copy Editor down as one of my choices. Despite this, I was picked, and it was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. The job comes with a lot of tedious reading and editing, but as someone that loves details, I thrived. So, with this in mind, my advice to the younger staff members is this: no matter what position you are given, even if it wasn’t your first choice, you were chosen for a reason. Embrace it. 

Over the course of three years I have grown as a writer and a journalist, from not having a single idea during brainstorming to offering up even more ideas than just my own. I have written for every section, and even though my first article in print was News, I have yet to write for it since. I think seeing your name and writing in print is something I’ll never get over, so for those who haven’t experienced it yet, your time is coming, and never forget the first time it happens.

Just like everyone else says, time really does fly by. It seems like yesterday I was a freshman sitting in the locker pods stressing about an APUSH test. It seems like last week that I was writing my first article sophomore year, but yet here I am, writing my final article for The Observer. While this article was just one item on my “Last Assignments for School” checklist, it is so much more than that. 

I’ve spent the last four years worried and stressed about my future, but now that I’m there, my only wish is to go back. While endings are never easy, I’ll end with a final rebellion against the AP style ban on the Oxford comma: savor every moment because it will be over before you know it, live in the present, and try not to worry too much because life has a funny way of working itself out.