Phish Food speaks on enjoying all of the small moments
June 6, 2023
After sitting here for almost an hour listening to my old Spotify playlist from freshman year, I am finally putting pen to paper. I initially decided to listen to some of my old songs for inspiration to write this article, not thinking it would end up taking me to a long lost vault of memories. Wow, what a time high school was.
If there is anyone reading this right now that is not my mom and dad, so for any WCHS students that are not yet seniors, seriously cherish the moments you have while they last. I remember hearing this time and time again when I was younger. Obviously, like everyone else, I thought phh that doesn’t pertain to me. But once it finally hits you… jeez. I remember being a freshman and things like senior night for lacrosse or even writing this for the senior section all felt so foreign. It felt like it would never really actually end up happening, but then in a blink of an eye it is all over.
I could write about everything I’m grateful for that I will miss dearly from high school for hours. Even the dreaded, stressful days I would love to have back to relive. I used to really not enjoy computer science class (sorry Mrs. Rudnick you were great) and yet I sit here thinking if I could go back and work on some super boring code in one of those swivel chairs I for sure would.
Anyways, as for my own reflection, it’s pretty surreal to be wrapping up journalism. Obviously I will miss this amazing group of people that I have had the honor of working with the past four years, but oddly enough I think I’m actually going to miss being a journalist. Sometimes it felt like such a nagging chore to have to write an article and turn it in on time. However, now that I think about it, I may never have this same opportunity to write an article and have it published in print. Interviewing people for quotes used to be so annoying and sometimes even intimidating, but even that I am going to miss.
For anyone that still has the chance to sign up for these “odd” classes that may not even seem interesting to you, I would definitely do it (no, I do not get told to write this by Ms. Zitnik). I am not even a huge fan of writing or anything but taking this class was still such a great time. Even if it’s not journalism, but some other thing that may not exactly be the standard Algebra class that every student is required to take, try it out. And that goes further than just picking classes. Why not go to that field hockey state playoff game? Who’s performing in this year’s Blast? What’s this new bizarre thing on the Cal Tort menu? You never know until you try – coming from someone who did not branch out enough as I wish I did.
Now this might all sound super corny which is exactly how it seemed to me when I was an underclassman, but if you can possibly take anything from this article please just be present in where you are now. Be where your feet are. Worrying about the past or the future will cause you to miss out on what is actually happening in front of you.