How can WCHS help students prepare for AP exams?

Graphic by Collin Chen

A “Keep Calm and Get a 5 on the AP Exam” poster designed to encourage AP Exam Prep Club members to succeed.

By Collin Chen, Online Editor

It’s almost that time of the year again. Students busting out their textbooks, reviewing Khan Academy, making quizlets, and doing whatever it takes to cram a year’s worth of knowledge for one special day. Yep, it’s AP exam season. 

Anyone who has previously taken AP exams can confidently say that this season is not fun whatsoever, especially when taking multiple tests in the span of a few days. Most classes finish teaching around late March or April and then transition to reviewing for the exams; this gives students about a month to prepare. However, many students are clueless when it comes to studying. Where to begin and what to cover? A concoction of stress and uncertainty makes it very difficult to focus and leads to procrastination. If students have the right guidance and help, early on, studying won’t be so disorganized and stressful. 

WCHS should establish AP exam prep clubs for all AP classes so that students can receive guidance on how to study properly and receive assurance that they are on the right track. The clubs would consist of a volunteer teacher from the particular AP course along with students who have taken the particular exam in the past. The role of these two groups of tutors is to provide helpful study tips and advice for students preparing for exams. In addition, there could be after-school sessions for students to work one-on-one with tutors, covering each unit of a certain course. 

Like previously mentioned, students often struggle to begin the study process because they don’t know where to start or what to go over. The tutors can suggest helpful resources to use for reviewing material such as YouTube channels, websites, or textbooks. The tutors can also suggest what areas to spend more time on and what areas they can skip.

Secondly, the club would help students’ studying habits. With a team of experienced students, they can offer effective study methods in order to digest more information quickly and retain it. This will not only help students prepare for exams, but it will set them up for a more successful academic career in the future. 

The accumulation of suggestions and one-on-one help will not only benefit students’ preparations, but also reassure them throughout the exam season. Another difficulty when studying for AP exams is maintaining the motivation to continue studying. Sometimes students are discouraged when uncertain about their review methods or when hitting a roadblock and not retaining information; tutors can prevent this through constant reassurance and support, creating a stress-reduced atmosphere. 

Lastly, the club will also benefit the tutors. Participating in the club is a great extracurricular to add to a person’s college application. The activity demonstrates leadership and service towards the community, two traits that admissions officers look for in applicants.

There’s no question these clubs will have a positive impact on students, the question is how to implement them. While most clubs are formed by regular students, this club may be best implemented with SGA setup so they can use their establishment to recruit students for tutor positions. The SGA will guarantee that each AP class will have a club so that any student can seek help.