Netflix Addiction Out of Control


By Katherine Michael, Staff Writer

As a senior committed to the University of Maryland, I quickly logged onto my Facebook account and joined the Class of 2019 group for the University of Maryland. After reading through the endless miniature biographies people posted about themselves in hopes of finding a roommate, I realized something: People watch too much Netflix.

Netflix is an online, video-streaming service that allows paid subscribers to watch unlimited TV shows and movies through its website. It has become immensely popular, and even spawned the term “binge-watching.” But, as a society, have we become too addicted to Netflix?

According to Digital Marketing Resources (DMR), a website dedicated to providing the latest digital marketing statistics, tips and trends, Netflix’s 40 million users spend over 1 billion hours each month watching their favorite TV shows and movies.

One billion hours. Not million. Billion. Let that sink in.

Yes, we live in a new generation in which technology rules, but watching over one billion hours of TV through a website illustrates just how reliant we are on our technology.

Additionally, according to DMR, 61% of Netflix users “binge-watch” TV shows every few weeks. This survey defines binge-watching as watching two to six episodes of a single show in one sitting.

Episodes of certain shows normally range from 20 minutes to an hour, so binge-watchers sometimes will waste their days away sitting glued to a television or computer screen for six hours.

As if this were not alarming, according to, a blog page dedicated to commenting on the newest trends in media and technology, Netflix subscribers on average watch more than 90 minutes a day of content.

These statistics all convey the alarming truth: people spend too much time on Netflix. People’s lives are being consumed by the easy accessibility of television shows and movies, and the shows you watch are now considered key factors in finding roommates for college.

Instead of continuing this trend, we need to fixate our eyes on the wonders of our world. Spring is just around the corner, and we need to stop wasting our time being glued to Netflix and enjoy the outdoors.