Beyond the Bulldog showcases seniors’ college decisions

Photo courtesy of @BeyondtheBulldog21 on Instagram

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 SGA created the Beyond the Bulldog Instagram account. This account celebrates seniors who have committed to colleges.

By Trevor Gardemal, Social Media Manager

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been harder than ever for WCHS students to communicate with their peers. While this is a challenge for all students, it hits hardest for seniors, especially those committing to colleges. Unlike most years, students can no longer go to school and announce their decisions in person. 

In order to remediate this, the Class of 2021 SGA has revived the Beyond the Bulldogs Instagram account. This account announces where WCHS students have committed to colleges, as well as their intended majors.

“In school, you would get to wear your college shirts so everyone would know where you’re going and congratulate you,” senior Jessica Hu, the Class Secretary, said. “This, I thought, would spread information. It was really exciting.”

The SGA was inspired by a similar account designed for last year’s class of 2020. This account was created by the 2020 SGA and ran by volunteers in the grade.

“We wanted it to look like BeyondTheBulldog2020,” Hu said. “They actually reached out to us and said that we could take their account, but we passed because we wanted to start our own thing with new followers.”

Senior Sydney Nutakor was one of the first people to be posted on the account due to her friendship with class Vice President Lucy Lin.

“The SGA was trying to figure out the formatting so they just used me to see which one they liked the best and they just posted me first,” Nutakor said.

Nutakor, who plans to study Biomedical Engineering at Brown University in the Fall, was stunned by the support from her peers. The comments were littered with positive messages such as “SO PROUD! CONGRATSS” and “YES SYDNEY👏👏.”

“Everyone is so nice and supportive and it made me really happy because I feel like–since we’re not in school–we can’t congratulate each other and see each other,” Nutakor said. “It was a nice way to talk to my peers about it. I also love seeing where everyone else is going.”

However, this account has also led to unexpected stress for some students. Senior Rera Ibraheem fears that whatever school she commits to will not measure up to the rest of the schools that students will be attending on the account.

“At this point I can’t change where I applied, but hopefully I get into a good school because I feel like I won’t want to post with everyone otherwise,” Ibraheem said. “I know in theory that it doesn’t matter and I know for a fact that acceptance rates don’t determine the quality of a school, but I’m here stressing about it.”

The SGA acknowledges that the account may stress students out. They also believe that it is important for students to put themselves first.

“Honestly, just unfollow it until you get the place where you want and you can be happy for other people. Focus on yourself,” Hu said.

Overall, Hu and the rest of the class of 2021 SGA are proud of their work. Despite seniors not being in person for the majority of this year, this account brings everyone closer during a time of separation.

“I think the account has spread a lot of love. It’s kind of closing the disconnect because it’s so much easier to congratulate people,” Hu said. “I know it seems kind of minuscule, one little comment, but sometimes I feel like it can make someone’s day.”