Typing Classes Should be Offered at CHS

Typing is a crucial skill to have for future job opportunities.
September 23, 2016
With the advent of the smartphone, we now carry mini computers in our pockets. But other than taking selfies and posting that “insta”, phones do not serve any purpose in learning how to type. In fact, since we text on our phones so often, we are becoming worse at typing on computers.
CHS should implement a class or program on the basics of typing. It doesn’t have to be a full-year or even a semester-long class; even just a class in Foundations of Technology for 45-minutes can improve typing technique and speed.
When I was around seven years old, my sister downloaded Mavis Beacon, a program designed to improve one’s typing skills, for me. I used it every day, and little by little, my typing improved.
However, that was long before I had a smartphone. Now, phones can do all the things a computer can and more, reducing the need to ever properly learn to type.
Knowing how to type properly may seem like a waste of time. However, once you perfect it, typing on a computer, whether it be to write an essay or respond to emails, makes work much more efficient by saving time.
According to Web Design From Scratch, a technology website, typing with one finger, as on a smart phone, produces about 40-60 wpm (words per minute). However, typing with all fingers, as on a computer keyboard, produces 60-100 wpm.
Keyboarding the traditional way, without the use of handheld devices, is a crucial skill to have if a student wishes to work in a computer programming field. Many students are interested taking the technology route in their future occupations, and this skill will improve their chances of getting hired.
Of course, not all students need keyboarding lessons as many of their skills have become second-hand nature as they have typed essays for school. However, it is beneficial for all those who have not had official training in typing to become knowledgeable on how to type the right way for their future en devours.
In sum, a Typing 101 class should be offered at our schools, not as full-length classes, but long enough to learn one of the most important tools needed for their future careers.