Are you ready to have your life changed forever? Well ready or not it is going to happen if you continue to read about these amazingly useful websites you never knew existed.
1. 10-minute mail: We have all been there. Trying to sign up for a website but not wanting to use our real email. Now you can fix that problem. This website allows you to create a throwaway email. The email account will literally self-destruct in 10 minutes. Imagine all the extra free two weeks of Hulu Plus you could get.
“If I needed to buy something online but no longer wanted to use that same email again to do so, 10-minute mail would be very useful,” junior Antonio Decandia said.
2. Mathway: Let’s be honest. Even if you are a sophomore, you might still have a case of mild (or severe) senioritis. This website is the answer to your prayers. It solves any kind of mathematical problem, from a complicated chemistry equation to a basic math problem. This website is recommended not for cheating, but rather for checking your homework answers since the site will not show you the steps to solving the problem unless you upgrade.
According to Mathway user senior Ariel Decko, Mathway helps her with her homework since it helps her solve complicated math problems she would be unable to do without the site.
3. The Word Frequency Counter: When writing English essays at home, we all tend to repeat certain words, be it either “says” or “so.” This very useful website allows you to find the words or phrases that you overuse when writing. You can simply paste your text into the box, and then the website does the rest.
4. A Good Movie To Watch: We have all been there, on Netflix, trying to decide what movie to watch but not knowing which one is worth your time. Well, now that problem can be fixed. This website suggest good movies to watch and even lets you personalize your searches.
“I am very indecisive when trying to watch a movie so the website would help me narrow down my choices,” Decko said.
5. This Is Why I Am Broke: Some of us have the bad habit of wanting to purchase things we cannot afford or need by any means. However, we buy it anyways. This website shows you unique products on the internet that you probably never knew existed: color changing shower head, wrist-watch post it notes, and magic wand TV remotes.
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