Plans for new attendance office brew at WCHS

Image by Austin Vinner.

This rendering of the new Starbucks that will replace the attendance office features many WCHS ensignias to promote bulldog pride.

By Austin Vinner, Laughs at own jokes

Just a gentle reminder that late arrivals, notes for early dismissal passes and notes for past absences should go to the now open attendance office by the main entrance. Does this sound familiar? Maybe it’s because this “gentle” reminder has been repeated every day at WCHS during the morning announcements. Well, pretty soon this not so gentle reminder will be silenced forever.

After recent complaints about these persistent announcements as well as questions about the usefulness of an attendance office, the WCHS administration has announced an exciting new addition to the campus that will replace this unnecessary room.

“In late April, construction will begin on a new on-campus Starbucks in the place of the attendance office by the main entrance of the school,” Administrator Polly Kepler said. “We hope this will put an end to the long-standing conflict on whether students should be able to get food delivered to the school from outside companies like Uber Eats.”

Along with this new and exciting addition to the WCHS school building, administration is yet again cracking down on students leaving campus during the school day and especially at lunchtime.

“We finally got the go-ahead from the county to lock all exterior doors to the building from the inside beginning at 8 a.m. each school day,” Kepler said. “Seniors will be able to check out of the school at lunch with Mr. Taylor at the main entrance but all other students will be required to remain within the school compound.”

Aside from the blatant fire code violations that come with locking exits to the school from the inside, it’s unclear what WCHS administration is hoping to accomplish considering students who have food delivered at lunchtime are ordering lunch, not just coffee.

“I can’t begin to wrap my head around what factors went into the making of this decision,” WCHS sophomore Ramona Lee said. “My parents will be hearing about this and WCHS administration can be assured that this will be brought up at the next PTA meeting.”

After the announcement of this decision, there has been growing unrest in the school community. These feelings are shared between both students and teachers who are united in opposition to this recent announcement.

“This school already feels enough like a prison,” Science Teacher Clara Glasco said. “I just don’t see what anyone hopes to gain from this, WCHS teachers need a teachers union now more than ever.”

However, this sentiment is not shared among all students and teachers. Freshman Ally Miller expresses her different, more exciting view of the upcoming renovation.

“I love Starbucks so I don’t see what everyone else is so upset about,” Miller said. “My favorite drink is the Mango Dragonfruit Refresher, it’s just so refreshing.”

With a mostly united front against the proposed addition of a Starbucks at WCHS, the PTA is set to have a town hall on April 15. Whatever the final resolution to this conflict is, the WCHS community may never be the same.

“It seems a little ironic,” Lee said. “If the school is really cracking down on people leaving during the school day, an attendance office where students can give notes to leave early would actually be useful… at least more useful than a Starbucks.”