Close the distance between your furry friends at Bark Social

Photo by Ally Salzberg

Bark Social’s extensive food and drink menu offers dog owners entertainment as they watch their dogs have the time of their lives!

By Ally Salzberg, Opinions Editor

This past year in quarantine has not allowed us humans to be very social, but does that really mean that our furry friends have to be isolated as well? Bark Social, Pike and Rose’s newest addition, allows dogs, both big and small, to get exercise and have fun while providing their owners with food, drinks and most importantly, a safe way to have human interaction. 

Bark Social recently opened in late March in North Bethesda and has been nothing but a big hit with its customers. With the beautiful weather we have been having, Bark Social offers up an ideal social scene not only for the humans, but for the dogs as well.

As promoted on their website, Bark Social is truly an experience like no other. This article will talk you through the park and all that it has to offer.

1) Giant space for dogs to roam

The 25,000 square foot fenced-in park offers dogs of all sizes endless territory to run around and get their zoomies out. The woodchip-covered ground goes over well with the dog owners as there isn’t ever a muddy mess that the dogs can get into. Even if your furry friend gets dirty, Bark Social offers a dog washing station at the premises, that way you don’t have to worry about your pup getting your car or house all dirty. Within the giant dog park, there are two smaller fenced-off sections: one dedicated to smaller dogs and puppies, and one dubbed “the sandbar” where little kids can play and not get in the way of the dogs. For the adults, there are tons of lawn chairs and other types of seating spread out throughout the park. 

2) A one of a kind beer garden with seating and coverage

This one of a kind feature makes Bark Social something that young adults cannot miss out on. Imagine- a beautiful Saturday afternoon where you and your pup go to meet your friends at the dog park. The dogs will play while you and your friends can catch up and have a drink, all while following the CDC guidelines and staying safe. Their website has a more detailed overview of the food and drinks they serve, but the options are almost endless, not only for the kinds of beer but for the seating as well. They have a 2,500 square foot covered patio as well as over 1,500 square feet containing adirondack chairs, lounge couches, and tables.

3) A coffee shop perfect for an afternoon pick me up

As if it couldn’t get any better, it does. With its own coffee shop that also has meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you could practically spend your entire day at Bark Social and not have to leave once. The website has a more detailed overview of the drinks and food offered, but the only thing one would need to worry about is protecting your food from the dogs- I have seen first-hand a husky stealing an unguarded giant pretzel off the table!

Another creative idea the management came up with is that they employ workers who walk around the park picking up feces from the ground. Owners do not have to worry about doing this themselves and can instead focus on enjoying their experience there. 

Bark Social has definitely upped the game when it comes to dog parks, and is the only dog park that I will be attending from now on. Coming here is a nice change of pace and allows people to forget about COVID-19 for a little and gets their animals some exercise.